The Invisible Wall (Starring Peaches the Cat and Winnie the Dog)

We have all seen the funny YouTube videos of cats trying to get through invisible walls of Saran Wrap. Here’s my favorite: (link). At first, I was like “Why would you do that to your poor cat?” But then I got thinking. That is actually a great way to provide exercise and mental stimulation for your kitty! As long as it isn’t dangerous or stressful to your cat, it might actually be good for them (make sure your pet is supervised if you want to try it).

So I decided to try it on Peaches. And then the dog wanted to try it too. My house is open concept, so they could have gone around the house to get the food. Here’s how it went:

Honestly, there was a lot more standing and staring in bewilderment, but I cut that out to make the video more interesting! During Winnie’s turn, I threw a biscuit over to encourage her. Peaches tried eating it instead! Winnie got so annoyed!

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