A Random Throwback Thursday – Just Because!

A random throwback Thursday post here! This was the first post I ever did on TFM:

Welcome!With 9 chickens, a food-obsessed dog, a crazy cat, one cranky beardie, and a few fish, our house is always chaotic. I created this site to share my experiences, and help others care for their animals. This blog will be full of tips and tricks to keep your pets healthy and happy. Plus, I’ll feature…


That was in July 2019. Wow. I can’t believe that – it feels like decades ago.

So much has changed. There was a global pandemic, my menagerie has evolved a bit, and several things have happened in my personal life.

Everything is different.

Or maybe our perception of everything has changed. What do you think?

Also, I never really posted more! I published a total of three posts in 2019. I got just 2 views that year. I published five posts in all of 2020, racking up a meager 17 views. Then, in January 2021, I posted 17 times and received almost 300 views! (I credit that to the fabulous Peaches the cat and her memes :)).

As 2021 comes to a close, my posts this year total over 80. I’m still not sure what direction I want to take in 2022, but right now that feels so far away, despite January being next month!

Anyway, I want to thank all of my wonderful readers for keeping me going. You are what inspires me to write! I love seeing your posts and comments!

This year, the content I’ve posted ranges from recipes to pet memes to animal-themed informational articles. Plus, the weekly Photo Friday posts. I try to post content that will be informative, make you laugh, or make you think and appreciate your pets and the world around you.

I’m not sure which category this post would fall into – it’s simply a jumble of miscellaneous stuff that I’ve been intending to say for a while.

Thank you for reading and supporting my blog.

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