Cat Memes That Only WordPress Bloggers Will Get

We’ve all been here…

That one day where you regret ever starting a blog! Don’t get me wrong, WordPress is great, but sometimes it can be a pain.

So here are my frustrations in the form of cat memes. Why not?

(Also, apparently, this has been a problem lately – if you can’t see the pictures, open the post in your browser (: )

Obviously, keyboard = cat bed.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it was my cat’s fault. Just kidding.
Like, Throwback Thursday ended up on Saturday. And then you have to go fix them.
That’s me.
Also me.

And then, while I was creating this post, WordPress did this:

Why? Just why?
My internet has a mental breakdown. Every. Two. Seconds.
Or maybe my cat ate them.
Am I the only one who has problems with this?

Thanks for reading! More memes: ( link)

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