Dumbo Gato Ch 6 – Glamour Cats

DUMBO GATO IS BACK! Posted for writer cookiecat123. Missed the last chapter? Check it out here.

Also…there’s a new Dumbo Gato spinoff series in the works!

Chapter 6: Glamour Cats

   The blindfold blocked Mertie’s view so he couldn’t see anything and he fell in a sewer. The end.

   HAHAHA, just kidding. I just had to do that because otherwise the National Sewer Organization would have been all over me.         Mertie was wearing a blindfold, though.

   “Come on Mertie,” Fran goaded. “Just a few more steps.”

   “Woe, my feet!”

   “Oh stop it! We only walked across the street.”

    “Oh. So, where are we going?”

    “You’ll see.”







Fran sighed. But at last they stood in front of her favorite place.

      “Open your eyes, Mertie!” Mertie opened his eyes… and made a mad dash toward the street.

     “Oh, no, you don’t!” Fran reached out and grabbed Mertie by his collar. “To the beauty section!” She dragged Mertie all the way to the back of the store and got a huge private dressing room. “Oh, yeah! This I can work with!” Fran whistled appreciatively. 

      Fran seated Mertie in the mirror chair. Then she presented the devices of torture. Blush, mascara, fake eyelashes, eyeshadow, lipstick, jewelry, red high heels, nail polish, and the worst of all: 

            A FRILLY PINK DRESS!

   “ACK! Nonononononono nonononononono”

Fran set to work. In a tornado of pink and makeup, she completely redid the way Mertie looked. 

   He was wearing a frilly pink dress and high heels. He was covered from head to toe in jewelry. He had teal eyeshadow under his thick lashes, and hot pink blush covered his cheeks. Purple lipstick completed the look. And… he had adorable blond curls!

    “NO!” Mertie moaned. 

   “My turn! Fran hopped into the other room. She came out looking very stylish, with huge lashes and makeup. In other words, she was beautiful!

      “Now,” she grinned evilly, tossing her Louis Vuitton purse over her shoulder. “We work our magic!”

They exited the store, much to Mertie’s relief. He could NOT stand the smell of designer perfume. 

      As they walked down the streets, they attracted crowds. 

      “OMG!” Cats screamed when they saw Fran. “She’s a GODDESS! SOOOO pretty! Marry me! Here! Have a bunch of free stuff!”

       And when they saw Mertie? Not quite the same reaction.

    “Hey! Is that Mertie? Awww, he wooks so cute in his wittle dwessy wessy! Nice outfit! Heh.”

      Mertie bowed his head and grumpily followed along behind Fran.

      After the 56th rude passerby comment, Mertie had made a decision.

     “I have got to lose this ridiculous dress!” When they passed a trash can, Mertie dove behind it and waited until Fran was out of view. He climbed out, shook himself… and came face to face with two huge, scary dogs! Uh oh!


   “Oh, you wouldn’t chase a lady?” Mertie squeaked in falsetto.

   In one lightning-quick move, the dogs snatched the pink dress and blond curls and tore them to pieces.

   “Hey,” Mertie brightened. “Thanks, guys! You know, maybe we could be pals!”


   “Okay, then… BYE!” Mertie fled down the street, the dogs yapping furiously at his heels.


   “Hey, where did Mertie go?” Fran wondered, noticing his absence for the first time.

   “Ah well, knowing him, he is probably out somewhere having a great time!”

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