I put descriptions of animals into AI…

I put descriptions of animals into AI…

…and this is what it gave me…

Left: What AI generated

Right: What I meant

Well, to be honest, the descriptions are 100% accurate, but indecipherable to anyone who doesn’t own a pet!

Personally, I think Artificial Intelligence makes a pretty good fantasy/sci-fi/every-thing-but-the-kitchen-sink artist, but it has a lot of catching up to do in the pet department!

“Fluffy potato” aka Guinea Pig

Demon potato with a pillow-stuffing head???
Photo by Lu00e9a Navidi on Pexels.com

“Questionably sentient dust bunny” aka a Silkie Chicken

Futuristic bunny aliens on Mars? Definitely questionable…it does fill the prompt though..

“Furry Feline Supreme Overlord” aka a cat

Photo by Katarzyna Modrzejewska on Pexels.com

“Annoyed Cow Cat” aka Peaches

Hmm…I can see it. Wait, no. I have absolutely no clue.

“Furry, four-legged, tail-wagging bringer of adorable destruction” aka a dog

Is that a dog..with multiple snouts…and wings…stuck in the floor? Uh..at least it got the dog part.
Photo by Josh Hild on Pexels.com

Beard dragon-lizard of cricket doom

Um…humanoid/eagle/dragon/warrior in dire need of a haircut?

My reaction to every one of these AI-generated pictures: 😕🤔🤷🙄

When people say that AI is going to take over…🤨…it needs to own a cat first. Then it will learn, like all cat owners servants, cats are the true rulers.

Thanks for joining me today! I hope you found this post as absurd and bizarre as I do! There are a lot of things going on around the globe right now, but I think it is important that we all do our best to spread hope and light during this tumultuous time. So I wish you, readers, no matter where in the world you are, safety, happiness, and health. Thanks again for visiting Today’s Furry Moments!

Cool Facts = Pet Memes 😹

Here are some crazy and cool facts about pets that I’ve found around the web…and then interpreted as memes. Enjoy!

Dogs don’t actually feel guilty – they just feel sad that their human is scolding them

Photo by Dominika Roseclay on Pexels.com

But then they do this face anyway…

When your cat sticks his butt in your face, he is doing so as a gesture of friendship.

Not so great when you’re on a Zoom meeting…

Greyhounds can see 270 degrees behind them, because of their giant eyes.

Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.com

Well, my dog, Rex, is half greyhound, with the same giant eyes, so he insists that…

Cats can understand about 40 human words

Photo by Heather McKeen on Pexels.com

Funny, my cat knows every word that has to do with food (salmon, tuna, dinner time, breakfast, treat, catnip…) but doesn’t understand “No counter” or “Don’t scratch the couch!”

Are we all secretly bearded dragons?

Or are we secretly human? Mwahahahaha!

Bearded dragons can do so many things – swim, run on two legs, see in color, wave in greeting, nod their heads to communicate, and even lose teeth like human children.

Thanks for reading, I hope you laughed a little and learned something new! What’s your favorite cool fact about an animal?

Dilly the Magical Breakfast-Summoner

6:50 am, on a regular Thursday morning, with two dogs (Rex and Winnie), Peach the cat, and Dill (fka Koko) the bearded dragon.

Rex: HI HOOMAN I HAVE AWAKENED (sneezes violently while wagging tail)


Rex: Now FEED US



Peach: You two are such weirdos. If you want the hooman to feed you breakfast early, you must be dignified and ask politely.


Winnie: I don’t care about being dignified. I WANTS FOOD!

Peach: Watch this. (sits politely and tucks tail around her paws

Mew. (please don’t forget about me)

Mew. Meow? (i am so sad. don’t you care about me?)

Mew mow. (its my breakfast time)

Me: I have to feed the bearded dragon first. Then you get fed at exactly 7. Every morning. 7:00 exactly.



Me: Ok. *feeds bearded dragon*

Rex: I don’t get it. Why does the dragon get to eat?


Peach: Ugh

Dill: You do know…

Peach: What?

Dill: That you will get fed in exactly…

Continue reading “Dilly the Magical Breakfast-Summoner”

Could your pet be a new species?

If each of my pets were their own species…from the achooicus to the derpicus! The world is full of interesting animals – including those that live with us in our homes.

Also, I have to note that this is a satirical post – although it would be pretty cool to discover a new species!

Felis derpicus


Felis derpicus is a close relative of Felis catus. However, the derpicus is much larger and rounder. It is fluffier and derpier than any Felis catus. To have a happy Felis derpicus, you must have large quantities of boxes and bags, which the derpicus needs for shelter and amusement. Unlike Felis catus, the derpicus has almost no prey drive and evolved solely to play with hair ties and imitate a throw pillow. It occasionally thinks that it is a dog. You can always identify a derpicus by its signature throw pillow pose. When petted in this position it will flip upside down and make strange squeaking noises.

The stomachus is a domesticated canine similar to Canis lupus familiaris (dogs), but with one important anatomical difference. The Canis lupus stomachus has a stomach that extends into its cranium. The brain is merely a small cluster of neurons located at the entrance to the stomach. The stomachus can eat almost anything and spends every waking hour of its life searching for food. They are generally very friendly and cute, but it is all in hopes of obtaining food. The stomachus can be difficult to distinguish from the regular domesticated dog. The main means of identification is a food test – since the stomachus will eat anything, dangle the least appetizing item you have in front of its face (for example, a hairball or anchovies). If the specimen attempts to eat the item, it is likely a stomachus.

Canis lupus stomachus


Canis lupus achooicus

This canine is certainly very unique. It is much like the domesticated dog and the stomachus, but with a few key differences, especially in behavior. For one thing, the achooicus rarely ever barks. When excited, happy, or attempting to bark, it bares its teeth and sneezes violently while wagging its tail. The tail of an achooicus is long and curly, more like that of a cat. The achooicus loves meat, bagels, carrots, and running. It is a very loving species and may have sneezing fits every time you enter the room.

Fancy and her silkie buddies

Gallus gallus flufficus

The Gallus gallus flufficus is a close relative of the chicken. However, the flufficus is much smaller and fluffier. They are completely flightless and have few if any survival instincts. They are adorable and friendly, however, and much smaller than most chickens. They like dried mealworms and wearing tiny bandanas.

Pogona insanis

The Pogona insanis is a type of bearded dragon that is slightly crazier and more insane than its fellow Pogona species. The insanis is much smaller and only has one eye. It will often jump off of high surfaces because it believes it can fly and will approach other household animals as if they are best friends, despite the potential for being eaten by said animal. The insanis loves being picked up and petted.

Dill the beardie

Could any of your pets be one of these new species?

Who should be famous? Poll!

I want to create an Instagram or other social account for my animals – but I’d like to focus on only one pet. But which one? You get to decide. Please take a look around my blog at https://todaysfurrymoments.home.blog/ and check out the featured animals. Then come back here and vote for your fav! Feel free to tell me why in the comments.

I’m not looking for which pet is “better” – I love them all! I want to know which pet YOU think has a personality that shines through in its photos and posts!

The winning pet will get a social account with pictures, videos, and original content. And maybe I’ll teach it how to paint?

Your options:

Rex the rescue pup

Winnie the purebred black lab

Peaches the rescue cat

Dill the one-eyed bearded dragon

Phil, Fancy, Pumpkin, Sweet Pea, and Ostrich – the fluffy Silkie chickens.

Ready, Set, VOTE!

2022 and Beyond! My goals and aspirations for TFM this year.

As of this moment, Today’s Furry Moments has been around for exactly 890 days, 16 hours, and 44 minutes. I honestly can’t believe that! It has definitely been a journey and a learning experience!

Anyway, happy 2022! I wish you all a wonderful year (and hopefully the last year of COVID-ness. Maybe). Today I just wanted to talk about what I’m thinking for my site in 2022. If you have any ideas or suggestions, or even just a favorite post, I’d love to hear your input in the comments!

First, I’ll definitely continue with the memes and my Double Dogs series. Those have been so fun to create and seeing you all enjoy it makes me happy. I’m still going to do Photo Friday as well. However, my educational posts haven’t been as popular (and they’re not as fun to create!) so I’ll limit those to once per week. In regards to recipes, I haven’t been posting as many lately. I will still post recipes when I’ve invented something cool in the kitchen, but those won’t be as frequent.

Also…drumroll please… we’re going to have guest authors! There’s a very cute and inventive series coming up from a guest writer. It’s called Dumbo Gato – please keep an eye out, they’re so fun and hilarious to read.

I have some goals this year as well:

  • Use Pinterest more to promote my ideas
  • Maybe create an Instagram account for one or more of my pets?
  • Publish something around five times per week
  • Have a guest writer post at least once per week
  • Take more pictures of my pets
  • Post more about my chickens and bearded dragon
  • Make more graphically designed images
  • Keep up existing traditions like Photo Friday and Double Dogs!
  • And come up with new ideas!

I didn’t want to make my goals with specific numbers in mind, like “Reach this many views” or “Get this many comments.” I think it’s important to have fun while creating content, and I didn’t want it to become work. I feel like when I’m having a good time writing, my readers can see that in my content.

This post has been somewhat of a ramble, but I hope you have a fabulous New Year. Again, I welcome any input in the comments, and please let me know what your 2022 blogging goals are! Thanks for reading.

Photo Friday 12/31

Last Photo Friday of 2021! Enjoy!

I think I have finally figured out what’s up with my photos – they’ve been uploading as .heic instead of .jpg! It would be great if WordPress had informed me that the file type wasn’t supported…I had to learn that the hard way!

Solstice Sunset
Look up
Koko the beardie
Dogs, can we slow down and enjoy the sunset?

See you in 2022!

Koko the Beardie’s 9 Fav Foods – and how to feed them

Today we have a post about Koko the one-eyed bearded dragon! Learn more about Koko and beardies here.

Oh, food. Arguably one of Koko’s favorite things, next to fleece blankets and watching TV, is eating. She’ll even eat out of your hand. But watch out – with one eye she can’t see that well, and might accidentally nip a finger! Anyway, here are 9 foods on Koko’s list of favorites, with guidelines on how to feed them to your bearded dragon. Please note that this is not a complete guide for beardie feeding, and your beardie has specific nutritional needs. This is to help you introduce new and delicious foods into your beardie’s diet, with Koko’s commentary. Enjoy!

Important to know – Calcium-to-phosphorus ratio: Depending on the stage of life your beardie is at, he will need specific ratios of calcium-to-phosphorus for optimal health and growth. This always means more calcium than phosphorus.

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com

1. Strawberries

Strawberries are Koko’s favorite food, hands down. Like all fruits, they should be fed sparingly, but are safe to feed once a week. Strawberries are high in sugar, but make an excellent (occasional) sweet treat for your beardie. Koko absolutely adores strawberries and she goes crazy for them!

Photo by Andre Moura on Pexels.com

2. Kale

Nutritious greens like kale are excellent for your beardie. Kale is high in calcium and vitamins. It can be a staple part of your beardie’s diet, and fed multiple times a week as part of a salad. We used to have a kale plant growing in the window, and Koko would eat it straight! There were always beardie bite marks on the leaves!

Photo by Eva Elijas on Pexels.com

3. Spinach

Another nutritious green, spinach is also great. It has calcium and is low in sugar. But beware – it’s high in oxalates and should be fed sparingly, probably once a month at max.

Photo by Rafel AL Saadi on Pexels.com

4. Bell Peppers

Another Koko fav! Bell peppers contain lots of moisture and low levels of calcium, so are best fed once a week. They also have tons of vitamins, including vitamin A. Beardies can eat all colors of bell pepper, and mini bell peppers, but they shouldn’t be fed hot peppers. Koko’s fav is the green bell pepper.

Photo by Sharon Murillo on Pexels.com

5. Apples

Another fruit, apples are also a once-a-week thing. They’re one of the safer fruits, but do have high sugar content. Always peel apples and dice them into tiny chunks. Koko always goes crazy for apples!

Photo by mali maeder on Pexels.com

6. Carrot

Koko gets a tiny bit of grated carrot daily – it provides vitamin A, beta-carotene, and fiber.

Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Pexels.com

7. Papaya

Papaya is another occasional treat that beardies adore. Because of it’s high sugar, water content, and calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, it should only be fed once in a while.

Photo by NastyaSensei on Pexels.com

8. Lettuce

Lettuce is a good thing to add to a beardie salad or use for a hydration boost. Romaine is best as it has the most nutrients. On a regular basis you should feed more nutrient-rich foods, but romaine is fine once in a while or in a salad. Koko loves romaine because it is extra crunchy!

Photo by Vanessa Loring on Pexels.com

9. Banana

Bananas! These have a bad phosphorus to calcium ratio, so Koko only gets a tiny bit on special occasions like holidays. But she absolutely loves them!

Thanks for reading! What’s your beardie’s fav food?