Your perception of things…vs your cat’s

What you think it is…vs your cat. Is a box really a box, or is it an interdimensional portal to the realm of cats? Is it a hair tie, or a wild circle-snake?

1. Box

Your Cat

Interdimensional box portal to a hidden world full of tuna and yarn! A necessity for the habitat of the Felis catus species!

Photo by Arina Krasnikova on

I box cat.


Box, noun, a container made of wood, thick card, metal, etc. with a flat stiff base and sides and often a lid (= cover), used especially for holding solid things. (Oxford Dictionary)

Useful for holding stuff and hiding things that your cat might destroy.

2. Ping Pong Balls

Your Cat

Round, faceless entities intent on destroying the world. They often evade capture by hiding under bookshelves and sofas. Sometimes the hoomans have a special table for fighting armies of ping pong balls. Anyway, they’re fun to chase, but taste terrible.

Photo by Josh Sorenson on


Ping-pong Ball, noun, light hollow ball used in playing table tennis

An object that thoroughly enrages the cat, and is a good cat distraction when you want to actually get stuff done.

3. Vaccumm

Your Cat

A kind of sentient tornado bent on the annihilation of all pets and their shedding.

Photo by cottonbro on


A miracle invention that cleans up mind-blowing amounts of cat fur that somehow end up on every surface.

4. Shelf full of very breakable things

Your Cat

Ultimate climbing ladder for watching, sleeping, and practicing my jumping skills. Full of fun-to-play-with objects.

Photo by cottonbro on


*wonders if cat-proof shelves are a thing while cleaning up the broken things the cat just knocked off the shelf*

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