Dumbo Gato Ch 8 – CATS OF DE FUTURE

Mertie is back…and filming a movie! Credit to cookiecat123.

Need to catch up? (each chapter is its own story!)

Chapter 7: PORTUGAL!

Chapter 8: Cats of de  Future

     Cats of the Future!

   A Great new movie


             And filled with music! 

            Actors And Roles


                                     Dr. Dinkle-Mickey





                                         Eclipse- Freddie

                                             Theft- Joey


                                           Gem Keeper- Elwin

                                           Guard 1- Emily

                                           Guard 2- Fluffykins

                                               Jane- Jemma

Glow Dancers: Calli, Pinky, Lucy, Nala, Mia, Chloe, Gracie,  

Ensemble as needed: Lucy, Nala, Mia, Chloe, Gracie, Daisy, Stella, Crystal, Louie, Kevin, Pumpkin, Rosie, Sam, Max, Simba, Oliver, Luna, Bella, Milo, Rockey, Coco, Charlie, Smokey, Jack,  Oh yeah, and also Mertie as the Doofus

Mertie clutched the poster tightly, grinning from ear to ear! He got the part he wanted.

     “Huh, that’s odd,” Fran noticed. “They didn’t give you a part.” She giggled.

      “Yes they did,” Mertie said in utter confusion.

“I am a doofus!”

      “Hear hear!” Said Mickey, walking over. “Look at this! I’m the bad guy!”

      “And I’m the LEAD!” Fran boasted, yet the way she said it sounded modest and humble.

       In the days that followed, they rehearsed and practiced. Then those days turned into weeks, and weeks into months until finally they were ready to film!

                     When daybreak comes

                    With adventures unknown!

                    When yesterday’s crumbs

                         Are swept away!

                  What will tomorrow bring?



                         Oh, tomorrow

   There was a polite smattering of applause as Fran finished her big solo.

      “And here we meet our heroes, when suddenly..” The tv cameracat stopped. 

   “Where is Mertie?” the director said, his face turning the color of a tomato. 

     “I art thou este herest,” Mertie said, really getting into the theater mood.  He had only one line, which was, “Huh?” but to him, it was a HUGE deal. 

   All of the other cats said their line, but when it was his cue, he was wearing a shirt that said, “ CareBunny is FUNNY!” on it, and a big piece of tape stuck in his fur.

    “MERTIE YOU MISSED YOUR CUE!” yelled the director. “Okay, let’s film!”

   “H@?!mSI*^@9OH?” Mertie said-er, stated.

   “No no no! Say it again! I want feeling!”






    “NOOOOOOOOOO!” The director started sobbing and his perfectly combed fur under his eyes got messed up. “WHY ME?”


   “Okay Mertie, you are FIRED!”

   “Huh?” Mertie said and made the perfect face to go along with it. Kittens stopped crying.  Several girl cats fainted. The boys dabbed at their tear-filled eyes. The director was stunned.

    That “Huh” was the most beautiful thing they ever heard! The wind carried Mertie’s perfect tone of voice, confusion packed with just the right amount of musical edge! His eyes had grown large, and he had added the perfect amount of sadness and confusion to the mix.

     “Finally! The perfect “Huh”!” The director cried. 

“Replay the footage!” The cameraman went to find the video of Mertie and his beautiful ‘Huh’.

   He looked up a moment later, his face betraying worry and fear. 

    “Uh, sir?” He began, “It seems that we, ah, weren’t  filming…”   


Dumbo Gato Ch 7

Did you miss any Dumbo Gato? Find Chapter 6 here! Or take a ride in an AsparagusCar, while reading Chapter 5!

Posted for TFM writer cookiecat123.

Another crazy ride with Mickey, Fran, and (of course) MERTIE!

Chapter 7: Portugal! 

“La la la la it’s the WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE kend umumbumbumbuway ……….” Mertie sang opera-style. Mickey and Fran walked past, Mickey wearing a tuxedo and glasses. His head fur was combed neatly to one side. Fran was wearing a teal suit with a skirt at the bottom and a tiara. She had a diamond necklace on, and little high heels. “Where are you guys going?” Mertie wondered. Mickey raised his eyebrows. “ You do know that today is a school day?” 

     “ Uhhh… But today is a Monday.” Mertie said, shaking his head. 

     “Exactly” Fran and Mickey exchanged a look. 

     “Oh, yeah.” 

     Fran reached into her pocket and pulled out a little gold key. She pressed it and a Maybach Exelero( the world’s most expensive car) drove up. A cat in a suit stepped out and opened the door and let them slip in.

   Both put down sunglasses and nodded for Mertie to get in. So he grabbed his backpack and got in. He was wearing his pajamas, his hair was a mess, and he was wearing slippers. As they drove he pressed a button that REALLY did not want to be pressed. He shot into the air and flew all the way to school. He had pressed the eject button. He landed in a flower pot and had to have a janitor help him out. So when he had FINALLY  made it to class, he plopped down in his seat just as attendance finished.     

    “HERE!” he announced. 

      The teacher asked a question that he knew, so he raised his hand and waved it around. “ You did not even hear the question!” the teacher, Cate the cat, said. “Now, class, what is 7+ 5?” 

     Merie waved his hand.  “PICK MEEEEEEEow!” he screeched.

   “No one else? Fine. Mertie, what is the answer?” 


From the desk of Mertie…

          TEST ON STUFF

  1. Who is Rachel Carson?


  1.  What happens when tectonic plates shift?


  1.  What was the Titanic?


  1. What did Thomas Edison invent?


  1. Explain the theory of Relativity.




  1. Who is Napoleon?


  1. Name three types of falcons.

_____________, _____________, ____________.

  1.  Name an Arianna Grande song.


  1. List three books written by Rick Riordan.

____________, ________________, and ________________.

You can put your answers in the comments, and I will forward them to Mertie himself.

Dumbo Gato Ch 6 – Glamour Cats

DUMBO GATO IS BACK! Posted for writer cookiecat123. Missed the last chapter? Check it out here.

Also…there’s a new Dumbo Gato spinoff series in the works!

Chapter 6: Glamour Cats

   The blindfold blocked Mertie’s view so he couldn’t see anything and he fell in a sewer. The end.

   HAHAHA, just kidding. I just had to do that because otherwise the National Sewer Organization would have been all over me.         Mertie was wearing a blindfold, though.

   “Come on Mertie,” Fran goaded. “Just a few more steps.”

   “Woe, my feet!”

   “Oh stop it! We only walked across the street.”

    “Oh. So, where are we going?”

    “You’ll see.”







Fran sighed. But at last they stood in front of her favorite place.

      “Open your eyes, Mertie!” Mertie opened his eyes… and made a mad dash toward the street.

Continue reading “Dumbo Gato Ch 6 – Glamour Cats”

Dumbo Gato Chapter 4: The Wet Mishap

 Chapter 4 is here! Meet Mertie in real life, or check out some of these other stories: The Rise o’ Floofy Cats, “How Did That Happen?”, Chicken Wars, and AsparagusCar.

Again, this is posted for cookiecat123.

Chapter 4: The Wet Mishap

   Splish, splash, splish, splash! The sound of Fran filling her spa day bath echoed through the house. 

    Fran naturally hated water, like all cats, but she was willing to do it to make her fur shiny for the next beauty competition.

     “Oh no! I forgot my BUBBLES! Everyone knows you can’t take a bath without bubbles!” She screeched. “This is a bathtub fashion violation!”

    Fran ran off to find her bubbles, and who should wander by, but Mertie! DUN, DUN, DUN!

   He looked into the bathroom. “That is odd,” He commented. “Fran put a mirror in the human water bowl!”

     He peeked over the side of the “human water bowl”. 

     “OH NO!” He yelled looking at himself in the watery reflection. “Mertie is trapped in the mirror!”

     He jumped back down. “I know what must be done!” He declared. He rushed out of the room and reappeared moments later in a pink and yellow superhero costume.

Continue reading “Dumbo Gato Chapter 4: The Wet Mishap”

Dumbo Gato Ch 3 “The AsparagusCar”

Dumbo Gato is back! Fran, Mickey, and Mertie are here for another crazy adventure.

If you need to catch up:

Chapter 1 – How did that happen?

Chapter 2 – Chicken Wars

Intro & Meet Mertie (yes, he’s a real cat)

Chapter 3:The AsparagusCar!

Credit to Phin K.

“Racers to your marks, get set, GO!” the TV blared. Mickey, Fran, and Mertie were watching the Kentucky Derby!

    “GO!” Mertie yelled, shattering the eardrums of everyone within a hundred-mile radius.

  Mickey and Fran covered their ears. Their facial expressions said ow ow ow ow ow ow.

     Hmmmmm, thought Mertie. I want to be a racer!

    “Uh oh, he’s got that crazy I-have-a-stupid-plan smile again.” Fran noticed. 

        Seconds later Mertie had informed Mickey that he was joining a car race that he had found on Google. Mertie scrolled down the page to show him.

    Mickey sighed with relief. All of the things on the web so far had been like “Cuddles fun run!” and “Everyone wins happy zoom!”.

   Mertie scrolled down further and showed Mickey the race he had selected.

ULTImate DOOM Race!



    Mickey fainted.

Continue reading “Dumbo Gato Ch 3 “The AsparagusCar””

Dumbo Gato Ch 2 “Chicken Wars”

Another chapter of Dumbo Gato has arrived and your favorite cats are back! Read chapter 1 (each story is a chapter) or check out the awesome intro here and meet Mertie (yes, he is a real cat. yes, he is just like the stories). Posted for co-blogger cookiecat123.

Haven’t been following along? Dumbo Gato is a short story collection about three cats – please consider subscribing for updates!

Now: Will Mertie get the delicious chicken?

Chapter 2: Chicken Wars. 

  “Almost there,” Mertie said as he reached his paw out, one claw nicking the delight of braised chicken, while the rest sat there, taunting him. Then, one of his owners ran in screaming, “Ahhhhhhh!”

   He jumped up and ran around, not realizing that he was near the end of the table. He found himself catapulting across the room. He then landed on the couch and bounced off. He was next to the TV, so he could hear Garfield say, “And there you have it, folks, that is how you get chicken off of the table.”

He turned around to see Fran and Mickey, enjoying the beautiful braised chicken. But when he asked them for some, they shook their heads and kept on eating.  At first, he tried the classic cat attack. He took a laser pointer to distract them and have them look at it. It was very effective, but a little TOO effective.   All the cats, (including Mertie) were mesmerized by the pointer. 

Then Mertie lunged. But because he was holding the pointer, he slammed into the wall. He turned around, and the pointer went with him. He lunged again, but this time he dropped it. He stood up, a little dizzy, and tried to think of another plan. 

   That’s when he knew what he had to do. He attached a bungee cord to his collar, went on to the table, and jumped. Boing. Boing. Then the cord broke. SPLAT! His fat, (Or sorry, round) tummy landed in the chicken and his face went in the cup of water that Fran had been delicately sipping from. He picked himself up and mewed, a little embarrassed, “ I meant to do that.”  

   Fran said through giggles, “Then it worked very well.”


Teaser for a NEW post series by TFM co-writer cookiecat123! Welcome to the world of Dumbo Gato!


Shocking Tales of Even More Shocking Cats. (…and Mertie…)


      By Sirene Izyee 

       Table o’ Contents

Intro: The Rise o’ Floofy Cats

1…… “How Did That Happen?”

2….. Chicken Wars

3….. Asparagus car

4…..The Wet Mishap

5….. The Cycle of Stupid

6….. Glamour cats

7…… “Portugal!”

8…..Cats of the future 

9….. Meet the stars… And Mertie

10…. Cats take over the world. 

Conclusion: A Closely Guarded Secret

Intro: The Rise o’ Floofy Cats

  Now, you may look at your cat and think, “ Well, I feel bad for you. You don’t get to have ANY adventures!” But, really, they have WAY more adventures than you. 

   In this story, get ready to meet…

Continue reading “Are you ready for THE ADVENTURES OF DUMBO GATO?”