Things for cats to do in the summer – written by Peaches the Cat

Peaches the cat has returned for another post! Enjoy!

Summer is the worst for us indoor cats. It’s too hot to lie in the sun, the dog is too hot to be teased, and even the birds on the window TV are hiding from the heat. But I, Peaches the cat, have come up with many activities to bust summer kitty boredom!

First up – sample the house plants! You can even make a salad if you want. Be careful – sometimes they can be poisonous to us cats. Humans also keep a big bowl of round things on the counter. They call these “fruit.” You can add fruit to your salad too, but they are more fun to smack off the counter and on to the floor. Sometimes they even explode everywhere!

If you get too hot after destroying the fruit bowl, try this! Find a cool place to lie down, like on a tile floor or in the kitchen sink. Granite counter tops work well too. Make sure it’s a spot that will be super annoying to your human, but where you won’t be accidentally stepped on.

Bug hunting is a favorite summer pastime of cats everywhere. Humans will try to smack bugs with a small paddle attached to a wire handle, a terrible substitute for the powerful paws of a cat. Generally, they are very bad at this and it is funny to watch them. Let your human run around after the bug for a while before you step in. Then gracefully pounce on the bug and offer it to your human. They will be very grateful for this service.

Another way to cool down is by delicately dipping your paws in your water bowl. You can then walk through the house, being sure to go through every room. Return to your water bowl if needed to wet your paws again. Humans like to put water on the floor and call it mopping, so they will be very appreciative of your help.

In the summer, humans like to go on vacations. Often, that means you will get the whole house to yourself. Use this opportunity to go everywhere you aren’t allowed, like on the kitchen table, and get fur everywhere. Pranking the cat sitter is lots of fun too. You can hide the cat food or the litter scooper, or hide in the closet until the cat sitter threatens to call your human. Vacations also give you plenty of time to find where your human keeps the tuna. My favorite thing to do is chew through the cat food bag so it spills all over the floor.

Finally, I have come up with a summer friendly alternative to long naps in the sun. Instead, lie in front of the A/C unit or fan. Be careful, as the breeze may muss your perfectly groomed fur.

I hope this has given you plenty of cat-friendly ideas for a great summer! Stay cool, and I’ll see you next time!

— Peaches the Cat

Peaches was here – A blog post written by a cat

Peaches has decided to try her hand (er, paw?) at writing. This is her very first post. Peaches claims it is written in a code that only other cats will understand. She made it with a specific sequence of sitting on, laying on, and trying to eat the keyboard. When asked to comment on her masterpiece, Peaches said, “Meow. Urrrrp. Snort. Snuffle.”

Please enjoy (or be confused by) her words of wisdom included in this post.

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-Peaches the cat

The Invisible Wall (Starring Peaches the Cat and Winnie the Dog)

We have all seen the funny YouTube videos of cats trying to get through invisible walls of Saran Wrap. Here’s my favorite: (link). At first, I was like “Why would you do that to your poor cat?” But then I got thinking. That is actually a great way to provide exercise and mental stimulation for your kitty! As long as it isn’t dangerous or stressful to your cat, it might actually be good for them (make sure your pet is supervised if you want to try it).

So I decided to try it on Peaches. And then the dog wanted to try it too. My house is open concept, so they could have gone around the house to get the food. Here’s how it went:

Honestly, there was a lot more standing and staring in bewilderment, but I cut that out to make the video more interesting! During Winnie’s turn, I threw a biscuit over to encourage her. Peaches tried eating it instead! Winnie got so annoyed!