I put descriptions of animals into AI…

I put descriptions of animals into AI…

…and this is what it gave me…

Left: What AI generated

Right: What I meant

Well, to be honest, the descriptions are 100% accurate, but indecipherable to anyone who doesn’t own a pet!

Personally, I think Artificial Intelligence makes a pretty good fantasy/sci-fi/every-thing-but-the-kitchen-sink artist, but it has a lot of catching up to do in the pet department!

“Fluffy potato” aka Guinea Pig

Demon potato with a pillow-stuffing head???
Photo by Lu00e9a Navidi on Pexels.com

“Questionably sentient dust bunny” aka a Silkie Chicken

Futuristic bunny aliens on Mars? Definitely questionable…it does fill the prompt though..

“Furry Feline Supreme Overlord” aka a cat

Photo by Katarzyna Modrzejewska on Pexels.com

“Annoyed Cow Cat” aka Peaches

Hmm…I can see it. Wait, no. I have absolutely no clue.

“Furry, four-legged, tail-wagging bringer of adorable destruction” aka a dog

Is that a dog..with multiple snouts…and wings…stuck in the floor? Uh..at least it got the dog part.
Photo by Josh Hild on Pexels.com

Beard dragon-lizard of cricket doom

Um…humanoid/eagle/dragon/warrior in dire need of a haircut?

My reaction to every one of these AI-generated pictures: ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคท๐Ÿ™„

When people say that AI is going to take over…๐Ÿคจ…it needs to own a cat first. Then it will learn, like all cat owners servants, cats are the true rulers.

Thanks for joining me today! I hope you found this post as absurd and bizarre as I do! There are a lot of things going on around the globe right now, but I think it is important that we all do our best to spread hope and light during this tumultuous time. So I wish you, readers, no matter where in the world you are, safety, happiness, and health. Thanks again for visiting Today’s Furry Moments!