20 Weird Facts About Cats

Cats are awesome! As cat lovers, we love their independence, their strange quirks, and adorable sweetness. Are you ready to learn 20 new things about cats?

  • Cats will even sit in illusionary boxes.
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com
  • Cats can learn approximately 30 to 50 human words.
  • The weird structures on a cat’s tongue are called papillae, and they’re made of the same thing as human fingernails.
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com
  • Tigers are the biggest cat species and can weigh up to 660 lbs.
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
  • Cats can’t taste sweetness.
  • Cats sleep for about 70% of their lives.
  • A group of cats is called a clowder, a clutter, a glaring, or a pounce.
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
  • A cat named Limberbutt McCubbins ran for president in 2016 as a Democatic candidate.
  • Cream Puff was the oldest cat ever and lived to be 38 years old – 168 in human years.
  • Maverick the cat is a celebrity surfing kitty!
  • The first known cat video was taken in 1894
  • Black cats are less likely to be adopted and more likely to be euthanized.
Photo by Khangnht98 | Nocte on Pexels.com
  • Cats have very limited color perception – they can see blue, gray, and maybe yellow.
  • Cats dream!
  • Cats save lives! In 2014, a tabby cat saved a four year old from a dog attack. In 2021, a black cat brought rescuers to his elderly owner, who had fallen down a steep ravine.
  • A cat named Blackie was bequeathed $12.5 million after his owner’s death, making him the richest cat ever.
  • Orangey was a famous orange tabby cat actor who has acted in iconic films and received multiple awards.
Photo by Thirdman on Pexels.com
  • On the Japanese island of Aoshima, cats outnumber people 6 to 1…but that number may be as high as 36 to 1
  • Your cat sleeps in a round “throw pillow” position out of natural instinct – it maximizes warmth, and protects vital organs.
Photo by Ivy Son on Pexels.com
  • In 2015, there were an estimated 6.5 BILLION cat pictures on the internet. Here’s one more:
Peaches the cat

Thanks for reading! What’s YOUR favorite cat fact?

Dumbo Gato Ch 7

Did you miss any Dumbo Gato? Find Chapter 6 here! Or take a ride in an AsparagusCar, while reading Chapter 5!

Posted for TFM writer cookiecat123.

Another crazy ride with Mickey, Fran, and (of course) MERTIE!

Chapter 7: Portugal! 

“La la la la it’s the WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE kend umumbumbumbuway ……….” Mertie sang opera-style. Mickey and Fran walked past, Mickey wearing a tuxedo and glasses. His head fur was combed neatly to one side. Fran was wearing a teal suit with a skirt at the bottom and a tiara. She had a diamond necklace on, and little high heels. “Where are you guys going?” Mertie wondered. Mickey raised his eyebrows. “ You do know that today is a school day?” 

     “ Uhhh… But today is a Monday.” Mertie said, shaking his head. 

     “Exactly” Fran and Mickey exchanged a look. 

     “Oh, yeah.” 

     Fran reached into her pocket and pulled out a little gold key. She pressed it and a Maybach Exelero( the world’s most expensive car) drove up. A cat in a suit stepped out and opened the door and let them slip in.

   Both put down sunglasses and nodded for Mertie to get in. So he grabbed his backpack and got in. He was wearing his pajamas, his hair was a mess, and he was wearing slippers. As they drove he pressed a button that REALLY did not want to be pressed. He shot into the air and flew all the way to school. He had pressed the eject button. He landed in a flower pot and had to have a janitor help him out. So when he had FINALLY  made it to class, he plopped down in his seat just as attendance finished.     

    “HERE!” he announced. 

      The teacher asked a question that he knew, so he raised his hand and waved it around. “ You did not even hear the question!” the teacher, Cate the cat, said. “Now, class, what is 7+ 5?” 

     Merie waved his hand.  “PICK MEEEEEEEow!” he screeched.

   “No one else? Fine. Mertie, what is the answer?” 


From the desk of Mertie…

          TEST ON STUFF

  1. Who is Rachel Carson?


  1.  What happens when tectonic plates shift?


  1.  What was the Titanic?


  1. What did Thomas Edison invent?


  1. Explain the theory of Relativity.




  1. Who is Napoleon?


  1. Name three types of falcons.

_____________, _____________, ____________.

  1.  Name an Arianna Grande song.


  1. List three books written by Rick Riordan.

____________, ________________, and ________________.

You can put your answers in the comments, and I will forward them to Mertie himself.

Your perception of things…vs your cat’s

What you think it is…vs your cat. Is a box really a box, or is it an interdimensional portal to the realm of cats? Is it a hair tie, or a wild circle-snake?

1. Box

Your Cat

Interdimensional box portal to a hidden world full of tuna and yarn! A necessity for the habitat of the Felis catus species!

Photo by Arina Krasnikova on Pexels.com

I box cat.


Box, noun, a container made of wood, thick card, metal, etc. with a flat stiff base and sides and often a lid (= cover), used especially for holding solid things. (Oxford Dictionary)

Useful for holding stuff and hiding things that your cat might destroy.

2. Ping Pong Balls

Your Cat

Round, faceless entities intent on destroying the world. They often evade capture by hiding under bookshelves and sofas. Sometimes the hoomans have a special table for fighting armies of ping pong balls. Anyway, they’re fun to chase, but taste terrible.

Photo by Josh Sorenson on Pexels.com


Ping-pong Ball, noun, light hollow ball used in playing table tennis

An object that thoroughly enrages the cat, and is a good cat distraction when you want to actually get stuff done.

3. Vaccumm

Your Cat

A kind of sentient tornado bent on the annihilation of all pets and their shedding.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com


A miracle invention that cleans up mind-blowing amounts of cat fur that somehow end up on every surface.

4. Shelf full of very breakable things

Your Cat

Ultimate climbing ladder for watching, sleeping, and practicing my jumping skills. Full of fun-to-play-with objects.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com


*wonders if cat-proof shelves are a thing while cleaning up the broken things the cat just knocked off the shelf*

Thanks for reading, hope to see you back soon!

Rex and Winnie get a stinky package


Rex: What?


Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

Rex: What did we order?

Winnie: I don’t know. I forgot.

Rex: Let’s open it.


Winnie: IT WON’T OPEN!!!

Rex: Dumb Amazon boxes. Too much tape.

Winnie: Well, what do we do?

Rex: We can use it as an end table. Or a footrest. Or a chair. Boxes are very versatile furniture items.

Winnie: No, I meant how do we open it?

Rex: Just ask the cat.



Winnie: Hey, Peaches, we need your help.

Peaches: What now???

Rex: We can’t open this box.

Peaches: You just woke me up from my nap. What makes you think I would help you?

Winnie: We’ll give you a cut of whatever’s inside it.

Peaches: And what’s inside it?

Rex: We don’t know. Probably tuna. Or salmon.

Peaches: Ok, I’m in!


Peaches: Well it’s open.




Peaches: Dogs are ridiculous. Just OPEN it already.

Rex and Winnie: What is this?

Continue reading “Rex and Winnie get a stinky package”

Cool Facts = Pet Memes 😹

Here are some crazy and cool facts about pets that I’ve found around the web…and then interpreted as memes. Enjoy!

Dogs don’t actually feel guilty – they just feel sad that their human is scolding them

Photo by Dominika Roseclay on Pexels.com

But then they do this face anyway…

When your cat sticks his butt in your face, he is doing so as a gesture of friendship.

Not so great when you’re on a Zoom meeting…

Greyhounds can see 270 degrees behind them, because of their giant eyes.

Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.com

Well, my dog, Rex, is half greyhound, with the same giant eyes, so he insists that…

Cats can understand about 40 human words

Photo by Heather McKeen on Pexels.com

Funny, my cat knows every word that has to do with food (salmon, tuna, dinner time, breakfast, treat, catnip…) but doesn’t understand “No counter” or “Don’t scratch the couch!”

Are we all secretly bearded dragons?

Or are we secretly human? Mwahahahaha!

Bearded dragons can do so many things – swim, run on two legs, see in color, wave in greeting, nod their heads to communicate, and even lose teeth like human children.

Thanks for reading, I hope you laughed a little and learned something new! What’s your favorite cool fact about an animal?

Could your pet be a new species?

If each of my pets were their own species…from the achooicus to the derpicus! The world is full of interesting animals – including those that live with us in our homes.

Also, I have to note that this is a satirical post – although it would be pretty cool to discover a new species!

Felis derpicus


Felis derpicus is a close relative of Felis catus. However, the derpicus is much larger and rounder. It is fluffier and derpier than any Felis catus. To have a happy Felis derpicus, you must have large quantities of boxes and bags, which the derpicus needs for shelter and amusement. Unlike Felis catus, the derpicus has almost no prey drive and evolved solely to play with hair ties and imitate a throw pillow. It occasionally thinks that it is a dog. You can always identify a derpicus by its signature throw pillow pose. When petted in this position it will flip upside down and make strange squeaking noises.

The stomachus is a domesticated canine similar to Canis lupus familiaris (dogs), but with one important anatomical difference. The Canis lupus stomachus has a stomach that extends into its cranium. The brain is merely a small cluster of neurons located at the entrance to the stomach. The stomachus can eat almost anything and spends every waking hour of its life searching for food. They are generally very friendly and cute, but it is all in hopes of obtaining food. The stomachus can be difficult to distinguish from the regular domesticated dog. The main means of identification is a food test – since the stomachus will eat anything, dangle the least appetizing item you have in front of its face (for example, a hairball or anchovies). If the specimen attempts to eat the item, it is likely a stomachus.

Canis lupus stomachus


Canis lupus achooicus

This canine is certainly very unique. It is much like the domesticated dog and the stomachus, but with a few key differences, especially in behavior. For one thing, the achooicus rarely ever barks. When excited, happy, or attempting to bark, it bares its teeth and sneezes violently while wagging its tail. The tail of an achooicus is long and curly, more like that of a cat. The achooicus loves meat, bagels, carrots, and running. It is a very loving species and may have sneezing fits every time you enter the room.

Fancy and her silkie buddies

Gallus gallus flufficus

The Gallus gallus flufficus is a close relative of the chicken. However, the flufficus is much smaller and fluffier. They are completely flightless and have few if any survival instincts. They are adorable and friendly, however, and much smaller than most chickens. They like dried mealworms and wearing tiny bandanas.

Pogona insanis

The Pogona insanis is a type of bearded dragon that is slightly crazier and more insane than its fellow Pogona species. The insanis is much smaller and only has one eye. It will often jump off of high surfaces because it believes it can fly and will approach other household animals as if they are best friends, despite the potential for being eaten by said animal. The insanis loves being picked up and petted.

Dill the beardie

Could any of your pets be one of these new species?

Dumbo Gato Ch 5: The Cycle of Stupid

Posted for cookiecat123

Missed the other chapters? Find more Dumbo Gato here.

Chapter 5: The Cycle of Stupid!

More credit to Elka F.

 “Hello and welcome to the Mertie The Dumb show!” said super-talented host Mickey. “I wrote a special poem for today’s episode,” he continued. “And here it is!”

                   Roses are red, 

                  Violets are blue,

                 Mertie is stupid,

 I mean, look at what happened yesterday!

            And the day before that

           And the day before that

          And, well, you get the idea.

    “But what did happen yesterday?” Mickey asked the crowd. “Well, let me tell you. It all started with a tomato…”

Photo by Alena Darmel on Pexels.com


   It was a pretty normal day. Mertie was strolling along the dining room. The humans had gone to school, so he had part of the house to himself!

     Only Mickey was home with Mertie, and Mertie was alert for danger. He had to protect the house!

    The dining room looked secure. Mertie was about to walk away when something caught his attention. 

    A shiny red orb! Mertie got on the table to investigate!

     “HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM” he said sniffing the tomato. 

     Next, he reached out and tentatively poked the tomato. And Tate 

     “OOOOOOOOOOOOH SQUISHY!” He shrieked with delight. He pressed down again, hard. Liquid squirted out of the tomato, right into Mertie’s eye.

    “Ow!” He wailed. “Ma eyeball! I will push down on this red thing for comfort!” And so he did.

   “Oww!” He moaned. “Ma other eyeball! I will push down on this red thing for comfort!” And on and on it went.

    “Ow ma nose!”

    “Ow ma ear!”

    “Ow my mouth!”

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com


 YES YES YES YES! Mertie thought as the humans left the house. “Now I will try the forever food!”

   Mertie had seen the humans inserting a metal tool (FORK!) with lots of food on it into their mouths! Now he was going to get some of that magical food for himself!

     “Time for phase 2!” Mertie whispered. He jumped up on the table. The fork was lying down flat. 

    “OH GOODY!” Mertie yelled. He stepped forward onto the fork handle…and got smacked in the face. 

    “OWOWOWOWOWOWOW!” He meowed. “I will eat some food!” He tried again.

     “OWOWOWOWOWOW! FOOD!” And again. 

     “OWOWOWOWOWOWOW!” And again. And on and on it went. Until FINALLY he turned his head. And stopped. But then he saw Fran neatly cutting up a tomato, and taking the most miniscule fork in history, and eating the tomato daintily. 

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels.com



   “Let’s see,” Mertie said, looking at his to-do list. “What to do today? Ooh! I  know. I will go sledding! Hmmmmmm… Oh! There is a sled!” So he got on the beat-up sled and started sledding down the hill. 

    “YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!” He yelled, sending snow up behind him.

    He then slid into a tree. “ Owwwwww…. Hmmmm, why don’t I try that again.”

     And over and over Mertie hit the tree. (“Third time’s the charm! Nope! Fourth! Maybe fifth”) until he finally could not anymore. The last thing he saw was Fran and Mickey, being pulled by a team of Huskies. 

“And that is how Mertie died, folks! Ha, just kidding. He is alive, but not well. He now is in a full body cast.”

And they all lived happily ever after. Except for Mertie. 

Peaches the Cat’s 5 secrets to stealing more chow

Hello, fellow cats! It has been a while, but now I’m here to share some of my best stealth secrets with you. They’ll help you steal extra food from right under your hooman’s nose! Let’s get started.

The Rule Is Don’t Get Caught

Your hooman has lots of rules, right? No jumping on the counter, no sleeping on the kitchen table, etc. And definitely no stealing food. But are those really the rules? The dogs would agree, but we cats know better. Anything goes – as long as the hooman doesn’t catch you.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

If You Get Caught, Be As Cute As Possible

When I’m extra bad (like eating the tacos that were for the hooman’s dinner), the hoomans will lock the cat door so I have to stay in the basement. This rarely happens. Why? 1. I don’t get caught and 2. I’m so adorable that punishing me makes the hooman feel guilty. If you get caught in the act, try your best to be as innocent and adorable as possible, and your hooman won’t be able to resist!

Blame The Dog

Sometimes, the hooman won’t realize what you did until afterward. This is a perfect chance to get the dog back for being smelly or sniffing your butt. Plant evidence in the dog’s bed – crumbs or bones work great. If you don’t have a dog to frame, you can put the blame on one of the other hoomans. Plant evidence in the hooman’s favorite chair or on their desk. Now you get away clean, and you get to watch someone else get blamed!

Make Friends With The Small Hoomans

Lots of us cats have to deal with small hoomans – they try to pet us with their sticky hands and sometimes even put us in clothes, or color on us with markers. It’s awful! But, if you do it right, you can teach the small hoomans how to interact properly with cats, and make them your loyal servant forever!!! Act as you would around a big hooman and be extra nice – let them pet you, sit on their laps, etc. If the small hooman tries to do something bad, bop them in the head with your paw, no claws. They’ll soon learn. By manipulating the small hooman you can also get treats. Small hoomans don’t usually like the food that they get for a hooman time called dinner. They like to hide it in napkins and pockets so they don’t have to eat it – and sometimes that includes yummy steak and meatballs and chicken. One of my hoomans used to hate eating chicken, so I got a huge chunk of chicken at least once a week. The bottom line is: Make friends with small hoomans. They will sneak you food.

Photo by Lina Kivaka on Pexels.com

Know Your Hooman’s Routines

I know exactly when my hoomans are making tuna fish salad. There’s a specific fishy smell, and there’s celery and mayonnaise on the table. If I run in looking super cute, they always throw me a chunk of tuna. Know your hooman’s routines and how best to manipulate them into giving you extra food.


Peaches the Cat

Memes You’ll Only Get If You Have A Cat

I’m not crazy – I just have a cat! To all fellow cat people out there…8 memes. Enjoy!

I’ll just sleep on the couch – I can’t disturb him!
What my friend’s house would look like after my cat…
So. Darn. Cute.
Having complete conversations with your cat is completely normal. Definitely.
Continue reading “Memes You’ll Only Get If You Have A Cat”

Are you using the right type of cat litter?

One of the most frustrating things about owning a cat is the litterbox. It takes up space, it smells, litter gets everywhere, it’s expensive, and sometimes your cat doesn’t even want to use it. In this article, I’ll address all that and more!

Perfect Litterbox = Happy Cat

Cats are known to be very choosy about their litter boxes, including size, style, location, and brand of litter. It also must be kept clean, scooped, and changed often. Without their “perfect litterbox” they can develop health and behavioral problems. A cat who does not like its litterbox may look for alternate places to defecate, develop a urinary tract infection, or experience health issues related to the dirtiness of the litterbox. This may include fungal infections, kidney blockage and bladder issues, and more. In other words, you will end up with an ill cat or a smelly house. We’ll discuss all the different types of litter so you can find one that will work well for both of you.

Continue reading “Are you using the right type of cat litter?”