I put descriptions of animals into AI…

I put descriptions of animals into AI…

…and this is what it gave me…

Left: What AI generated

Right: What I meant

Well, to be honest, the descriptions are 100% accurate, but indecipherable to anyone who doesn’t own a pet!

Personally, I think Artificial Intelligence makes a pretty good fantasy/sci-fi/every-thing-but-the-kitchen-sink artist, but it has a lot of catching up to do in the pet department!

“Fluffy potato” aka Guinea Pig

Demon potato with a pillow-stuffing head???
Photo by Lu00e9a Navidi on Pexels.com

“Questionably sentient dust bunny” aka a Silkie Chicken

Futuristic bunny aliens on Mars? Definitely questionable…it does fill the prompt though..

“Furry Feline Supreme Overlord” aka a cat

Photo by Katarzyna Modrzejewska on Pexels.com

“Annoyed Cow Cat” aka Peaches

Hmm…I can see it. Wait, no. I have absolutely no clue.

“Furry, four-legged, tail-wagging bringer of adorable destruction” aka a dog

Is that a dog..with multiple snouts…and wings…stuck in the floor? Uh..at least it got the dog part.
Photo by Josh Hild on Pexels.com

Beard dragon-lizard of cricket doom

Um…humanoid/eagle/dragon/warrior in dire need of a haircut?

My reaction to every one of these AI-generated pictures: 😕🤔🤷🙄

When people say that AI is going to take over…🤨…it needs to own a cat first. Then it will learn, like all cat owners servants, cats are the true rulers.

Thanks for joining me today! I hope you found this post as absurd and bizarre as I do! There are a lot of things going on around the globe right now, but I think it is important that we all do our best to spread hope and light during this tumultuous time. So I wish you, readers, no matter where in the world you are, safety, happiness, and health. Thanks again for visiting Today’s Furry Moments!

Dumbo Gato Ch 8 – CATS OF DE FUTURE

Mertie is back…and filming a movie! Credit to cookiecat123.

Need to catch up? (each chapter is its own story!)

Chapter 7: PORTUGAL!

Chapter 8: Cats of de  Future

     Cats of the Future!

   A Great new movie


             And filled with music! 

            Actors And Roles


                                     Dr. Dinkle-Mickey





                                         Eclipse- Freddie

                                             Theft- Joey


                                           Gem Keeper- Elwin

                                           Guard 1- Emily

                                           Guard 2- Fluffykins

                                               Jane- Jemma

Glow Dancers: Calli, Pinky, Lucy, Nala, Mia, Chloe, Gracie,  

Ensemble as needed: Lucy, Nala, Mia, Chloe, Gracie, Daisy, Stella, Crystal, Louie, Kevin, Pumpkin, Rosie, Sam, Max, Simba, Oliver, Luna, Bella, Milo, Rockey, Coco, Charlie, Smokey, Jack,  Oh yeah, and also Mertie as the Doofus

Mertie clutched the poster tightly, grinning from ear to ear! He got the part he wanted.

     “Huh, that’s odd,” Fran noticed. “They didn’t give you a part.” She giggled.

      “Yes they did,” Mertie said in utter confusion.

“I am a doofus!”

      “Hear hear!” Said Mickey, walking over. “Look at this! I’m the bad guy!”

      “And I’m the LEAD!” Fran boasted, yet the way she said it sounded modest and humble.

       In the days that followed, they rehearsed and practiced. Then those days turned into weeks, and weeks into months until finally they were ready to film!

                     When daybreak comes

                    With adventures unknown!

                    When yesterday’s crumbs

                         Are swept away!

                  What will tomorrow bring?



                         Oh, tomorrow

   There was a polite smattering of applause as Fran finished her big solo.

      “And here we meet our heroes, when suddenly..” The tv cameracat stopped. 

   “Where is Mertie?” the director said, his face turning the color of a tomato. 

     “I art thou este herest,” Mertie said, really getting into the theater mood.  He had only one line, which was, “Huh?” but to him, it was a HUGE deal. 

   All of the other cats said their line, but when it was his cue, he was wearing a shirt that said, “ CareBunny is FUNNY!” on it, and a big piece of tape stuck in his fur.

    “MERTIE YOU MISSED YOUR CUE!” yelled the director. “Okay, let’s film!”

   “H@?!mSI*^@9OH?” Mertie said-er, stated.

   “No no no! Say it again! I want feeling!”






    “NOOOOOOOOOO!” The director started sobbing and his perfectly combed fur under his eyes got messed up. “WHY ME?”


   “Okay Mertie, you are FIRED!”

   “Huh?” Mertie said and made the perfect face to go along with it. Kittens stopped crying.  Several girl cats fainted. The boys dabbed at their tear-filled eyes. The director was stunned.

    That “Huh” was the most beautiful thing they ever heard! The wind carried Mertie’s perfect tone of voice, confusion packed with just the right amount of musical edge! His eyes had grown large, and he had added the perfect amount of sadness and confusion to the mix.

     “Finally! The perfect “Huh”!” The director cried. 

“Replay the footage!” The cameraman went to find the video of Mertie and his beautiful ‘Huh’.

   He looked up a moment later, his face betraying worry and fear. 

    “Uh, sir?” He began, “It seems that we, ah, weren’t  filming…”   


Box – Another commentary by Peaches the Cat

HELLO, fellow cats! It is I, Peaches the cat!

You know that post from a few weeks ago? The one with pictures of me sitting in things? Yes, that one.

Well, I have improved upon my sitting conditions, and now I present…THE BOX.

Yes, the very majestic, comfy, LAYS POTATO CHIP BOX.

That sounds kinda weird. Anyway, it’s my new favorite thing. I can sit in it. I can sit on it. It’s a great jungle gym and doubles as a scratching post. The blanket is super soft and fluffy. Frankly, my box is the perfect secret lair and I now have a 100% success rate at hiding from the dog!

I’ll show you some more pics…

You know all that talk about dogs and man’s best friend? Well, a box is a cat’s best friend. I’m also pretty sure that boxes are a necessity of life for cats. Food, water, naps, space, air…and boxes.

I love my box so much that my human has to move it around because I refuse to leave it. I also refuse to sit anywhere that isn’t my box.

Thanks for stopping by!

Love from Peaches the Cat

I disappeared…

I had a lot going on in my personal life, and I sort of have disappeared for the last couple of weeks. My ghost has been running the blog.

Just kidding…there were some scheduled posts waiting in the wings.

The reason for my disappearance was that my family had to surrender Rex. Rex was such an amazing dog and Winnie’s best friend. He provided much of the inspiration for my posts here on Today’s Furry Moments. We didn’t want to give him up, but it was for the safety of a younger family member. Rex would randomly show aggression to this family member. Sometimes it would be weeks without an incident, but then Rex would suddenly lash out. We think that something deep in his past is causing him to act this way, despite his sweet, loving personality. It was only a certain type of group – girls ages 6 to 12 – that would trigger him. He has an unknown history and the behavior could be a product of abuse or mistreatment in his early life. The no-kill shelter we adopted from took him back, and he is already a staff favorite there. I volunteer there as well and have been told that he loves playtime and has adjusted well.

Winnie is also adjusting and has been very sad lately. She also keeps trying to play with the cat 🥹. No more double dogs, I guess.

Despite only having Rex for four months, he was a treasured family member and the star of TFM. I miss him a lot but know that he will find a loving, wonderful home where he doesn’t feel threatened, and where he will not feel the need to be aggressive.

This is his bio on the rescue site:

“Rex is a loving gentleman who is ready for his forever home! He enjoys playing with other dogs and is looking for a home with older teens or adults only. If this handsome man looks like the one for you, please come by and meet him today!”

I choose to think of it like we fostered Rex. He learned commands, manners, and how to use the stairs. He got lots of love during a difficult transition from stray to house dog. Now he’s ready for a new family.

Thanks for sticking with me! Let’s all send happy thoughts to Rex and his future forever family.

20 Weird Facts About Cats

Cats are awesome! As cat lovers, we love their independence, their strange quirks, and adorable sweetness. Are you ready to learn 20 new things about cats?

  • Cats will even sit in illusionary boxes.
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com
  • Cats can learn approximately 30 to 50 human words.
  • The weird structures on a cat’s tongue are called papillae, and they’re made of the same thing as human fingernails.
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com
  • Tigers are the biggest cat species and can weigh up to 660 lbs.
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
  • Cats can’t taste sweetness.
  • Cats sleep for about 70% of their lives.
  • A group of cats is called a clowder, a clutter, a glaring, or a pounce.
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
  • A cat named Limberbutt McCubbins ran for president in 2016 as a Democatic candidate.
  • Cream Puff was the oldest cat ever and lived to be 38 years old – 168 in human years.
  • Maverick the cat is a celebrity surfing kitty!
  • The first known cat video was taken in 1894
  • Black cats are less likely to be adopted and more likely to be euthanized.
Photo by Khangnht98 | Nocte on Pexels.com
  • Cats have very limited color perception – they can see blue, gray, and maybe yellow.
  • Cats dream!
  • Cats save lives! In 2014, a tabby cat saved a four year old from a dog attack. In 2021, a black cat brought rescuers to his elderly owner, who had fallen down a steep ravine.
  • A cat named Blackie was bequeathed $12.5 million after his owner’s death, making him the richest cat ever.
  • Orangey was a famous orange tabby cat actor who has acted in iconic films and received multiple awards.
Photo by Thirdman on Pexels.com
  • On the Japanese island of Aoshima, cats outnumber people 6 to 1…but that number may be as high as 36 to 1
  • Your cat sleeps in a round “throw pillow” position out of natural instinct – it maximizes warmth, and protects vital organs.
Photo by Ivy Son on Pexels.com
  • In 2015, there were an estimated 6.5 BILLION cat pictures on the internet. Here’s one more:
Peaches the cat

Thanks for reading! What’s YOUR favorite cat fact?

The Double Dog Chronicles: Super Winnie

The double dogs are at it again!

Winnie (left) and Rex (right)

Winnie: I have found my true calling!

Rex: What. Are. You. Wearing.

Winnie: It’s a super-awesome and epically cool SUPERHERO CAPE.

Rex: I’m pretty sure that’s a towel. From the dirty laundry.


Rex: OOoookaayy

Winnie: You can be my sidekick.

Rex: NO.

Winnie: You don’t have to wear a cape – but we need matching purple tracksuits!

Rex: What’s your superpower?

Winnie: I can fly! Watch me jump off the top of the stairs!


Winnie: You’re no fun.

Rex: Where do you get these crazy ideas?

Winnie: Star-Vel and Mar-Wars on the magic box that has sound.

Rex: You mean the TV? Aren’t dogs incapable of watching TV?

Winnie: Why would that be?

Rex: Because the images are so slow that our brains can’t process them correctly.

Winnie: Well, I guess my brain just goes extra slow!

Rex: Clearly.

The Double Dogs Rename the Days of the Week

Rex and Winnie, partners in crime

Rex: *bent over piece of paper, furiously scribbling with a pencil in his mouth*

Winnie: What are you doing?

Rex: Mmph mmmmmph mph

Winnie: There’s a pencil in your mouth, I can’t understand you. Also, your mouthwriting is terrible.

Rex: *spits out pencil* Do you know what a CAL LEEN DAR is?

Winnie: Yeah, a calendar. Where the hoomans scribble down stuff they have to go to, and then are late anyway.

Rex: Did you know that they have a name for every day?

Winnie: YES.

Rex: Do you know what those names are?

Winnie: Um. No.

Rex: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Very boring and unoriginal.

Winnie: Uh, okay. Where are you going with this?

Rex: We should rename the days of the week.

Winnie: Like Meatday, Sausageday, and Toyday?

Rex: Exactly!

Winnie: OKAY! LET’S GO!

Continue reading “The Double Dogs Rename the Days of the Week”

Dumbo Gato Ch 7

Did you miss any Dumbo Gato? Find Chapter 6 here! Or take a ride in an AsparagusCar, while reading Chapter 5!

Posted for TFM writer cookiecat123.

Another crazy ride with Mickey, Fran, and (of course) MERTIE!

Chapter 7: Portugal! 

“La la la la it’s the WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE kend umumbumbumbuway ……….” Mertie sang opera-style. Mickey and Fran walked past, Mickey wearing a tuxedo and glasses. His head fur was combed neatly to one side. Fran was wearing a teal suit with a skirt at the bottom and a tiara. She had a diamond necklace on, and little high heels. “Where are you guys going?” Mertie wondered. Mickey raised his eyebrows. “ You do know that today is a school day?” 

     “ Uhhh… But today is a Monday.” Mertie said, shaking his head. 

     “Exactly” Fran and Mickey exchanged a look. 

     “Oh, yeah.” 

     Fran reached into her pocket and pulled out a little gold key. She pressed it and a Maybach Exelero( the world’s most expensive car) drove up. A cat in a suit stepped out and opened the door and let them slip in.

   Both put down sunglasses and nodded for Mertie to get in. So he grabbed his backpack and got in. He was wearing his pajamas, his hair was a mess, and he was wearing slippers. As they drove he pressed a button that REALLY did not want to be pressed. He shot into the air and flew all the way to school. He had pressed the eject button. He landed in a flower pot and had to have a janitor help him out. So when he had FINALLY  made it to class, he plopped down in his seat just as attendance finished.     

    “HERE!” he announced. 

      The teacher asked a question that he knew, so he raised his hand and waved it around. “ You did not even hear the question!” the teacher, Cate the cat, said. “Now, class, what is 7+ 5?” 

     Merie waved his hand.  “PICK MEEEEEEEow!” he screeched.

   “No one else? Fine. Mertie, what is the answer?” 


From the desk of Mertie…

          TEST ON STUFF

  1. Who is Rachel Carson?


  1.  What happens when tectonic plates shift?


  1.  What was the Titanic?


  1. What did Thomas Edison invent?


  1. Explain the theory of Relativity.




  1. Who is Napoleon?


  1. Name three types of falcons.

_____________, _____________, ____________.

  1.  Name an Arianna Grande song.


  1. List three books written by Rick Riordan.

____________, ________________, and ________________.

You can put your answers in the comments, and I will forward them to Mertie himself.

Your perception of things…vs your cat’s

What you think it is…vs your cat. Is a box really a box, or is it an interdimensional portal to the realm of cats? Is it a hair tie, or a wild circle-snake?

1. Box

Your Cat

Interdimensional box portal to a hidden world full of tuna and yarn! A necessity for the habitat of the Felis catus species!

Photo by Arina Krasnikova on Pexels.com

I box cat.


Box, noun, a container made of wood, thick card, metal, etc. with a flat stiff base and sides and often a lid (= cover), used especially for holding solid things. (Oxford Dictionary)

Useful for holding stuff and hiding things that your cat might destroy.

2. Ping Pong Balls

Your Cat

Round, faceless entities intent on destroying the world. They often evade capture by hiding under bookshelves and sofas. Sometimes the hoomans have a special table for fighting armies of ping pong balls. Anyway, they’re fun to chase, but taste terrible.

Photo by Josh Sorenson on Pexels.com


Ping-pong Ball, noun, light hollow ball used in playing table tennis

An object that thoroughly enrages the cat, and is a good cat distraction when you want to actually get stuff done.

3. Vaccumm

Your Cat

A kind of sentient tornado bent on the annihilation of all pets and their shedding.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com


A miracle invention that cleans up mind-blowing amounts of cat fur that somehow end up on every surface.

4. Shelf full of very breakable things

Your Cat

Ultimate climbing ladder for watching, sleeping, and practicing my jumping skills. Full of fun-to-play-with objects.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com


*wonders if cat-proof shelves are a thing while cleaning up the broken things the cat just knocked off the shelf*

Thanks for reading, hope to see you back soon!