Dumbo Gato Ch 7

Did you miss any Dumbo Gato? Find Chapter 6 here! Or take a ride in an AsparagusCar, while reading Chapter 5!

Posted for TFM writer cookiecat123.

Another crazy ride with Mickey, Fran, and (of course) MERTIE!

Chapter 7: Portugal! 

“La la la la it’s the WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE kend umumbumbumbuway ……….” Mertie sang opera-style. Mickey and Fran walked past, Mickey wearing a tuxedo and glasses. His head fur was combed neatly to one side. Fran was wearing a teal suit with a skirt at the bottom and a tiara. She had a diamond necklace on, and little high heels. “Where are you guys going?” Mertie wondered. Mickey raised his eyebrows. “ You do know that today is a school day?” 

     “ Uhhh… But today is a Monday.” Mertie said, shaking his head. 

     “Exactly” Fran and Mickey exchanged a look. 

     “Oh, yeah.” 

     Fran reached into her pocket and pulled out a little gold key. She pressed it and a Maybach Exelero( the world’s most expensive car) drove up. A cat in a suit stepped out and opened the door and let them slip in.

   Both put down sunglasses and nodded for Mertie to get in. So he grabbed his backpack and got in. He was wearing his pajamas, his hair was a mess, and he was wearing slippers. As they drove he pressed a button that REALLY did not want to be pressed. He shot into the air and flew all the way to school. He had pressed the eject button. He landed in a flower pot and had to have a janitor help him out. So when he had FINALLY  made it to class, he plopped down in his seat just as attendance finished.     

    “HERE!” he announced. 

      The teacher asked a question that he knew, so he raised his hand and waved it around. “ You did not even hear the question!” the teacher, Cate the cat, said. “Now, class, what is 7+ 5?” 

     Merie waved his hand.  “PICK MEEEEEEEow!” he screeched.

   “No one else? Fine. Mertie, what is the answer?” 


From the desk of Mertie…

          TEST ON STUFF

  1. Who is Rachel Carson?


  1.  What happens when tectonic plates shift?


  1.  What was the Titanic?


  1. What did Thomas Edison invent?


  1. Explain the theory of Relativity.




  1. Who is Napoleon?


  1. Name three types of falcons.

_____________, _____________, ____________.

  1.  Name an Arianna Grande song.


  1. List three books written by Rick Riordan.

____________, ________________, and ________________.

You can put your answers in the comments, and I will forward them to Mertie himself.